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Fated Zovaal, The Jailer Kill

WoW Zovaal The Jailer is the main antagonist in Shadowlands expansion. As history tells us, with the great probability it was he who was one of those who are guilty of the events taking place during the times of Warcraft III and Wrath of the Lich King. And now he is seeking the forbidden knowledge in Zereth Mortis, so he changes reality.

The Kraken Boost team is one of many respective companies that will be able to help you kill The Jailer from the launch of patch 9.2. Purchasing Jailer kill carry will help equip your character with the best available equipment, as well as add new mounts and other useful little things to your collection.

  • Requirements
  • 60th level character
  • World of Warcraft Shadowlands subscription
  • Fresh Normal, Heroic, or Mythic Cooldown of the last boss - the Jailer
  • Rewards
  • Experience of Zovaal The Jailer kill in selected Difficulty
  • Chance to get 0-1 item with 259 item level (Normal mode), 272 item level (Heroic mode), 285 item level (Mythic mode)
  • The progress in achievement Heroic: Sepulcher of the First Ones (Heroic mode kill);
  • The progress in achievement Mythic: Sepulcher of the First Ones (Mythic mode kill)
  • Awesome elite PVE title "Guardian of the Pattern" for Zovaal The Jailer kill in Mythic Difficulty
  • Slight chance to get mount Zereth Overseer for Mythic Jailer boss kill
  • Different Memories for Legendary Items (actual for Shadowlands)
  • Different Conduits for Forge of Bonds (actual for Shadowlands)
  • ETA
  • 1-2 hours
  • Options
  • Selfplay or Pilot (Account Share)
  • Alliance or Horde
  • The Jailer kill in the selected difficulty

Buying from Kraken Boost Heroic last boss carry service you get Ahead of the Curve: The Jailer achievement with the top raiding guild. The Jailer AotC achievement will make it easier for you and your alt characters to find a group later in the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid. You will also receive a new Carcinized Zerethsteed mount as a reward for defeating the heroic The Jailer, and you will be able to travel around the new Zereth Mortis location riding the new of patch 9.2 Eternity’s End.

We also recommend that you pay attention to the Mythic difficulties of Jailer Zovaal. Mythic content has always been and remains the most difficult, and therefore the most desirable for all World of Warcraft players. We predict are that we will be able to defeat the Jailer, but with his final breath, he will do something fatal that will affect the whole Warcraft Universe. Don’t waste, your time, buy The Jailer Mythic Boost from Kraken Boost and plunge headlong into an exciting fight with the final boss of Shadowlands Expansion — The Jailer Mythic! Be among the first players in the world to earn the legendary Guardian of the Pattern title and the new Zereth Overseer mount.

When buying the last boss The Jailer Zovaal boost service, you do not need to think about performing tactics, strategies, character gear, in game skill, and other trifles. A team of experienced players will do all the work for you. You can purchase as many Normal, Heroic and Mythic final boss runs as you like, increasing your PvE experience each time.


What kind of loot can I get from the Jailer carry service?

259 item level gear from Normal Zovaal The Jailer Kill Boost

272 item level gear from Heroic Zovaal The Jailer Kill Boost

285 item level gear from Mythic Zovaal The Jailer Kill Boost

Don’t forget that Sepulcher of the First Ones boost and The Jailer carry on chosen difficulty is initially played with personal loot. You can always choose the options that are convenient for you on the page with the order, including choosing the required number of traders.

In heroic difficulty, the loot trading system differs from mythic. When buying Heroic the Jailer boost, you will be able to choose traders — players who will transfer all the loot received to you. In mythic difficulty, the amount of loot transferred directly depends on the number of bosses.

Before the start of the raid, you should tell our manager how many traders you want to add, what class you play, and its specialization.


Do you use any cheat programs for boost?

Of course not. Blizzard Entertainment is a very serious organization that monitors all third-party software. It is safe to buy boost services from us.


I want to buy the main boss of Sepulcher Raid. How does the boost work with self play and pilot mode?

Great question. Self play mode is when you play as your character. At the appointed time, you need to be in the game and accept the invitation to the group. You will be called to the raid, where you will receive further instructions from the raid leader. We kindly ask you not to write anything in the raid regarding boost services.

Piloted mode is the transfer of your WoW account to the caring and skillful hands of our professional player. Do not worry about the safety of items on your account, it is very safe. In addition, you can always request a stream of your walkthrough. This option will save hours of your free time.


Where I can find the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid schedule?

We have daily the Jailer boosting heroic and mythic raids, in which we can always find the right slot for you. If you want to clarify the schedule of SotFO raid or SotFO last boss — write to our manager in the online chat.


If I buy Mythic Jailer carry, will I get the new mount?

If you buy a Mythic kill the Jailer Zovaal boost from us, you have a 100% chance to get a new epic mount Zereth Overseer. Also, you will get Cutting Edge: the Jailer Feat of Strength achievement.

By the way, Mythic difficulty will be available from the second week of patch 9.2.


What is ETA?

Estimated time of the service. This means that when buying a service, your order will be completed at the set time.


I want to buy 11/11 bosses in Sepulcher of the First Ones on Heroic Difficulty with piloted mode, do you have this boosting service?

Of course, we have many different services that allow our customers to save a lot of their free time for family and personal life. If you want to buy a fast and high-quality boost in SotFO Heroic — follow the link Sepulcher of the First Ones Heroic Boost.

You will receive a kill on all 11 bosses of the new Sepulcher of the First Ones Heroic raid:

— Vigilant Guardian

— Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener

— Artificer Xy’mox

— Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle

— Prototype Pantheon

— Lihuvim, Principle Architech

— Halondrus the Reclaimer

— Anduin Wrynn

— Lords of Dread

— Rygelon

— The Jailer, Zovaal

Fated Zovaal, The Jailer Kill

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MmelonMadness 2 days ago
Perfect mythic runs for busy…

Perfect mythic runs for busy casuals. Great site!

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Orion Hawthorne 2 days ago
Got the order quickly and…

Got the order quickly and received updates throughout. Will use again and recommend to others.

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cherry_badger 2 days ago
Amazing job for convenient...

Amazing job for convenient price. Recommending!

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Michel 2 days ago
Yet another stellar run with…

Yet another stellar run with seasoned professionals! A++

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FourSeven 3 days ago
Best boosters, affordable prices....

Best boosters, affordable prices. Fast and efficient.

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Matteo 3 days ago
Fast and easy WoW Heroic…

Fast and easy WoW Heroic raid, perfect for those short on time.

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sarif9 3 days ago
Reliable services that are...

reliable services that are consistently fast.

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Atlas 3 days ago
Love running with Krakenboost...

Love running with Krakenboost groups, well organized, fast, and painless!

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Wabbit 3 days ago
Another swift, effortless Heroic...

Another swift, effortless Heroic Amirdrassil run. Only trust Krakenboost.

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AstheyV 3 days ago
pvp boosting service was...

pvp boosting service was top-notch. reached my rating goal in no time. recommended!

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