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What A Strange Interdimensional Trip It’s Been Boost

Achievement What A Strange, Interdimensional Trip It’s Been has been and will continue to be one of the hardest achievements in World of Warcraft Warlords of Draenor.

Together with the little bird Pepe, you need to defeat a large number of following Draenor bosses in raids, dungeons and just in the outdoors.

Do not want to look for the right bosses yourself? Then you to us! What A Strange Interdimensional Trip It’s Been Boost Service is an easy way to complete all the achievement requirements effortlessly.

  • Requirements
  • Account sharing
  • Active WoW subscription
  • Character level 60
  • ETA
  • 4-7 days

The main question that arises for all players is where to get the Pepe bird? Alliance players – in the tree to the left of the tent (looking towards tent) with your command table in it. Horde players – In the tree to the east of your Garrison behind the fortification (outside the wall). Congratulations, you have received a true friend, Pepe as an ally.

And now, in order to reduce the time for finding the bosses, we will present the location of each of them:

Bosses in 5 Man Dundeons: Gug’rokk (from Bloodmaul Slag Mines), Skulloc (from Iron Docks), Warlord Zaela (from Upper Blackrock Spire), Yalnu (The Everbloom), Skylord Tovra (from Grimrail Depot), High Sage Viryx (from Skyreach), Ner’zhul (from Shadowmoon Burial Grounds), Teron’gor (from Auchindoun).

Bosses in Raids: Kargath Bladefist, The Butcher, Brackenspore, Tectus, Pol, Ko’ragh, Imperator Mar’gok (from Highmaul), Oregorger, Gruul, Heart of the Mountain, Hans’gar, Flamebender Ka’graz, Kromog, Beastlord Darmac, Operator Thogar, Admiral Gar’an, Blackhand (from Blackrock Foundry),

Outdoor and World Bosses: Tarlna the Ageless, Drov the Ruiner (from Gorgrond), Rukhmar (from Spires of Arak).

See how all the bosses are far apart? Why waste time flying from dungeon to dungeon when the Kraken Boost team can do it all for you? Trust us – buy What A Strange Interdimensional Trip It’s Been Boost from the professionals.

What A Strange Interdimensional Trip It’s Been Boost

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FrozenCO_re 4 days ago
Helpful, reliable, and...

Helpful, reliable, and hassle-free. Quick and easy. Highly satisfied.

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Vwalker 4 days ago
Swift and smooth experience....

Swift and smooth experience. An excellent run.

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Davis L 5 days ago
Great run, quick, no talking…

Great run, quick, no talking, everyone knew their parts, very little waiting time, perfect."

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Freeman 5 days ago
Great value.great service. Very...

Great value.great service. Very cheap. I recommend highly to anyone.

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R. Dunnles 5 days ago
👍 Back-to-back customer. Fully...

👍 Back-to-back customer. Fully satisfied with the service provided.

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Stephen 5 days ago
Quick and effective...

Quick and effective communication. Totally worth it!

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Mark 6 days ago
Great teamwork and...

great teamwork and assistance.

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Michael Onyx 6 days ago
Consistently clean and smooth...

Consistently clean and smooth runs!

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Jay 7 days ago
Quick and easy, well...

Quick and easy, well explained.

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Hugh Mingsk 1 week ago
Patiently guided a raid...

patiently guided a raid newbie. this marks my 5th transaction, and i'm thrilled!

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