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Vault Normal Boost | VotI Normal Carry

Looking for a way to speed up your progress in the Vault of the Incarcates?

We offer fast, smooth and professional boosters to help you get through the raid quickly and easily. Our team is comprised of experienced gamers who know how to get the job done.

Get your desired result in a convenient time frame without all the fuss. All eight bosses can be taken down with our team of boosters so that you can move on to other content in the game.

Contact us now for a convenient time to start your boost!

  • Requirements
  • Character of 70 level
  • ETA
  • 2-4 hours
  • Options
  • Account sharing or Selfplayed
  • Amount of bosses

Vault of the incarnates normal raid boost benefits

Vault of the Incarnates is the first raid content in Dragonflight Expansion. Every patch always comes with plenty of great new activities, the most important of which, of course, is the new raid challenge, which in Season 1 brings 8 new bosses, new loot system (not only group loot), pets and mounts. VotI Raid release date is 13th of December 2022.

VotI normal boost is great opportunity to learn new raid mechanics (Cold breath!), defeat new bosses and new exciting experience in Dragonflight expansion and in addition, get guaranteed loot!

Ordering this service with 8/8 bosses will provide you with full clear of all eight bosses in Vault of the Incarnates raid, 389+ item level gear, some transmog items for your Dragon Riding and Vault of the Incarnates achievement to start your journey in heroic difficulty. Defeat the malicious minions of the Raszageth Storm Eater and defeat last boss once and for all!

Book your Normal Vault of the Incarnates Raid Carry today and receive high-quality boosting service! All our teams consist of professional players who provide VotI Normal Boost at the highest levels of speed and execution. Our current experience of previous raid tiers allows us to assure the best Vault of the Incarnates Normal Carry.

We are preparing to provide VotI Normal Boost runs since the very first day of the raid tier opening and have every trick up our sleeve to make VotI Normal Run fast, easy, comfortable and joyful.

Group loot mode in Dragonflight raids: how to live with it

Personal loot unfortunately was removed in Dragonflight raids and now we have only opportunity to roll items that we don’t have.

  • get your best loot in Great vault — you will have 1 item to choose from 3 if ordering full raid run
  • increase you chances to get useful gear with ordering our «one item guarantee» loot options or by adding loot traders (or “needers”) of your armor type; in this case you are protected from any unluck and we will get your next reset to Vault of the Incarnates raid in case you didn’t get enough items until meeting the guarantee
  • good news — now you don’t need to have higher ilvl to trade loot — you can trade any item that you rolled; it means that we can start selling loot from very first week of raid release by adding same armor type players without save to the raid

Self play Mode or Account sharing: your safety is our priority

Our raid groups do all job without any exploits or bots. In case of buying Vault of the Incarnates Service in Normal Mode with piloted option our boosters defeat all bosses on your character after sharing your account without any problems and using VPN to imitate like you play by our own.

Vault of the Incarnates Normal boost includes:

  • Killing chosen number of Vault of the Incarnates normal bosses;
  • Chance to get items with loot ilvl 402+;
  • Full Vault of the incarnates raid completion if you chose 8 bosses

Our service includes certain bosses:

  • 2/8 includes single kills of Eranog and Terros
  • 5/8 includes single kills of Eranog, Terros, The Primal Council, Sennarth, the Cold Breath, Dathea, Ascended
  • 6/8 includes full clear without kill of Raszageth and Broodkeeper Diurna
  • 7/8 includes full clear without kill of Raszageth
  • 8/8 includes full clear with killing all bosses

Vault of the Incarnates Bosses list and rewards

  • Eranog (389 gear)
  • Terros (389 gear)
  • The Primal Council: Embar Firepath, Opalfang, Kadros Icewrath, and Dathea Stormlash (389 gear)
  • Sennarth (389 ilvl gear and 389 tier set piece)
  • Wing Bosses: Dathea, Ascended and Kurog Grimtotem (395 ilvl gear and 395 tier set piece)
  • Last Bosses: Broodkeeper Diurna and Raszageth the Storm Eater (398 ilvl gear and 398 tier set piece)

Primalist tier set added in first raid can be obtained by using Dreadful Tokens (for classes: Death Knight, Demon Hunter and Warlock), Mystic Tokens, Venerated Tokens, Zenith Tokens.


ETA — Estimated time of the service, so your Vault of the Incarnates Carry will be completed in ETA.

Please notice that in self play order your attendance is required to start the raid. In addition, you should be near your PC to be sure you get all rewards from WoW Vault raid 🙂

We will try to find the most convenient time for you even before purchase — just contact us! Generally ETA depends on how many bosses you chose, what week it is (because for final boss we might need more time to complete it first week).

What happens after placing Vault of the Incarnates Normal Raid Run order:

Our support team will contact you as soon as possible to sort out all details that matters, then we will share your account (if piloted) to our boosters to proceed with chosen service.

Vault of the Incarnates Services Refund Policy

For sure, we do guarantee a partial (if valuable work was done) or full refund if something goes wrong.

VotI Normal Raid Boost in 10.0 patch: loot guarantee

VotI Normal Run is great opportunity to try our new system for those for whom it is important to get useful loot:

1 trader = 1 item guarantee

2 traders = 2 items guarantee

3 traders = 3 items guarantee

4 traders = 4 items guarantee

5 traders = 5 items guarantee

6 traders = 6 items guarantee

7 traders = 7 items guarantee

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Latest Reviews

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FrozenCO_re 4 days ago
Helpful, reliable, and...

Helpful, reliable, and hassle-free. Quick and easy. Highly satisfied.

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Vwalker 4 days ago
Swift and smooth experience....

Swift and smooth experience. An excellent run.

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Davis L 5 days ago
Great run, quick, no talking…

Great run, quick, no talking, everyone knew their parts, very little waiting time, perfect."

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Freeman 5 days ago
Great value.great service. Very...

Great value.great service. Very cheap. I recommend highly to anyone.

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R. Dunnles 5 days ago
👍 Back-to-back customer. Fully...

👍 Back-to-back customer. Fully satisfied with the service provided.

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Stephen 5 days ago
Quick and effective...

Quick and effective communication. Totally worth it!

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Mark 6 days ago
Great teamwork and...

great teamwork and assistance.

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Michael Onyx 6 days ago
Consistently clean and smooth...

Consistently clean and smooth runs!

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Jay 7 days ago
Quick and easy, well...

Quick and easy, well explained.

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Hugh Mingsk 1 week ago
Patiently guided a raid...

patiently guided a raid newbie. this marks my 5th transaction, and i'm thrilled!

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