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Underlight Angler Boost

Fishing in World of Warcraft Legion received its bonus in the form of an artifact – Underlight Angler.

Sometimes, when everything is boring, and you just want to sit with a cup of coffee and enjoy fishing, you think: where would you go to fish out bigger prey? This issue is easily solved by Underlight Angler, which not only adds +15 fishing skill, but also teleport you to the nearest fishing spot within a 100 yard radius.

Buy the Underlight Angler Boost and our professional anglers will be happy to complete all the requirements to get the Underlight Angler Artifact.

  • Requirements
  • Account Sharing
  • Active WoW subscription
  • Character level 60
  • ETA
  • 3-5 days
  • Options
  • Account Sharing only

To get this fishing artifact Underlight Angler quickly, you need to complete three requirements: have max fishing profession skill, max level character, and complete The Bigger Fish to Fry achievement. Depending on luck, the duration of the execution can take an average of 12 to 72 hours. To speed things up, start farming rare fish by using the rare bait (also you can find it on auction house) to increase your chances.

When you complete the final requirement of the Bigger Fish to Fry achievement, you will be able to fish the uncommon Luminous Pearl item from any Legion body of water, which starts the Luminous Pearl quest chain to obtain the Underlight Angler artifact.

Underlight Angler Carry is the fastest way to get a Unique Fishing Artifact. Trust professionals, and we will save your nerves and time!

Underlight Angler Boost

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FrozenCO_re 4 days ago
Helpful, reliable, and...

Helpful, reliable, and hassle-free. Quick and easy. Highly satisfied.

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Vwalker 4 days ago
Swift and smooth experience....

Swift and smooth experience. An excellent run.

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Davis L 5 days ago
Great run, quick, no talking…

Great run, quick, no talking, everyone knew their parts, very little waiting time, perfect."

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Freeman 5 days ago
Great value.great service. Very...

Great value.great service. Very cheap. I recommend highly to anyone.

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R. Dunnles 5 days ago
👍 Back-to-back customer. Fully...

👍 Back-to-back customer. Fully satisfied with the service provided.

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Stephen 5 days ago
Quick and effective...

Quick and effective communication. Totally worth it!

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Mark 6 days ago
Great teamwork and...

great teamwork and assistance.

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Michael Onyx 6 days ago
Consistently clean and smooth...

Consistently clean and smooth runs!

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Jay 7 days ago
Quick and easy, well...

Quick and easy, well explained.

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Hugh Mingsk 1 week ago
Patiently guided a raid...

patiently guided a raid newbie. this marks my 5th transaction, and i'm thrilled!

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