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Shadowlands Dungeons Boost

Completing dungeons is the good way to gear up with the start of the new expansion. There are eight dungeon instances in Shadowlands in which you can get high-level gear to make your character more powerful. Traditionally, there are three levels of difficulty you can complete dungeons on – Normal, Heroic, and Mythic. Order Shadowlands Dungeons Boost, conquer new instances, and gear up for end-game content.

  • Requirements
  • 60 lvl character
  • Rewards
  • All the loot and items dropped to you during dungeons runs
  • Heroic difficulty - 171 lvl of items
  • Mythic difficulty - 184 lvl of items
  • ETA
  • 1 day
  • Options
  • Account Sharing of Self-play
  • Choose specific dungeons and difficulty

A dungeon is a very important type of activity, especially when the new DLC is released. In other words, dungeons are an initial part of end-game content, in which players can farm high-level gear to upgrade their characters. In Shadowlands expansion, there are eight dungeons: The Necrotic Wake, The Mists of Tirna Scithe, Plaguefall, Halls of Atonement, De Other Side, Spires of Ascension, Theater of Pain, and Sanguine Depths. Each dungeon can be completed on Normal, Heroic, and Mythic difficulties. The higher difficulty you choose, the higher level of gear you get.
To be fluent in completing the mentioned dungeons, you must know the mechanics of the specific dungeon. Also, your character’s level of gear must meet the requirements.

Order Shadowlands Dungeons Boost, and we will help you to run specific dungeons on a selected difficulty. As the rewards, you will receive all the loot and items dropped during the service. Buy Shadowlands Dungeons Carry, and get the actual gear for further adventures.

Shadowlands Dungeons Boost

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Arla61 1 week ago
Casual player seeking AotC?...

casual player seeking aotc? they've got you covered! painless runs, guaranteed. happy with tier set drops!

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Matt 1 week ago
Consistently reliable, as...

Consistently reliable, as usual.

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Nick W 1 week ago
Professional raid boost, cleared...

Professional raid boost, cleared the toughest content with ease. Highly recommend!

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Samuel 1 week ago
Efficient professionalism from...

Efficient professionalism from the team.

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Phalcore42 1 week ago
Exceptional gamers with flawless...

Exceptional gamers with flawless execution and an excellent learning experience.

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Glenn 1 week ago
I was skeptical, but this…

i was skeptical, but this site proved me wrong. fast results, excellent support. highly recommended!

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Tyler 1 week ago
Appreciate the efficient...

Appreciate the efficient time-saving experience!

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Jakub Novák 2 weeks ago
Krakenboost is amazing! Completed...

krakenboost is amazing! completed in 24 hrs instead of 72!

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Austin Lowers 2 weeks ago
Top-notch service, smooth...

top-notch service, smooth amirdrassil raid with krakenboost!

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Willmaster 2 weeks ago
Bought a flawless Trials run…

Bought a flawless Trials run with express option. Completed within hours. First flawless experience. A true blessing.

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