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Glory of the Dragon Soul Raider Boost

In the Dragon Soul raid, players will fight the greatest terror known to the world – Deathwing. He was once a Dragon Aspect, created by the titans to protect the Azeroth, but now he is the most powerful servant of the Old Gods. Obeying the Old Gods’ orders, he wishes to destroy Azeroth. Buy Glory of the Dragon Soul Raider Boost today, and stop the black dragon.

  • ETA
  • Boost takes 1-4 Resets depends on your progression
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  • Account sharing or self-play

The most difficult raid of the Cataclysm, Dragon Soul, gives a chance to the adventurers to defeat the mighty black dragon Deathwing and his minions. Deathwing was designed to be a defender of Azeroth, but now the dragon only craves to destroy. The Old Gods stand behind his madness and use him to achieve their goals. During the Dragon soul raid, players can beat the mighty dragon and to unlock worthy he Dragon Soul Raider Boost meta-achievement, which requires 13 achievements of this raid completed. To get them, players must kill six bosses of the raid on Heroic difficulty, and complete other tasks.

Purchase Dragon Soul Raider Carry today, and add the achievement to your collection. Attained by a quarter of the players, the achievement is still pretty rare. It also grants you with an epic flying mount Reins of the Twilight Harbinger. This service fits as for beginners, who want to get a rare achievement or a mount, as well as for experienced players, who didn’t find themselves a party to complete all the achievements. Buy Dragon Soul Raider Carry today, and protect the lands of Azeroth from the deadliest black dragon ever existed! We guarantee the quality of the service and the security of your account.

Glory of the Dragon Soul Raider Boost

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FrozenCO_re 4 days ago
Helpful, reliable, and...

Helpful, reliable, and hassle-free. Quick and easy. Highly satisfied.

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Vwalker 4 days ago
Swift and smooth experience....

Swift and smooth experience. An excellent run.

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Davis L 5 days ago
Great run, quick, no talking…

Great run, quick, no talking, everyone knew their parts, very little waiting time, perfect."

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Freeman 5 days ago
Great value.great service. Very...

Great value.great service. Very cheap. I recommend highly to anyone.

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R. Dunnles 5 days ago
👍 Back-to-back customer. Fully...

👍 Back-to-back customer. Fully satisfied with the service provided.

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Stephen 5 days ago
Quick and effective...

Quick and effective communication. Totally worth it!

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Mark 6 days ago
Great teamwork and...

great teamwork and assistance.

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Michael Onyx 6 days ago
Consistently clean and smooth...

Consistently clean and smooth runs!

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Jay 7 days ago
Quick and easy, well...

Quick and easy, well explained.

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Hugh Mingsk 1 week ago
Patiently guided a raid...

patiently guided a raid newbie. this marks my 5th transaction, and i'm thrilled!

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